Adopted by Session: September 2015
"Called to love and serve God, self and others." — Mark 12:28-31
The Chinese Presbyterian Church of Oakland is an intergenerational church committed to encouraging people to develop a transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, fueled by prayer, Bible Study and fellowship. By doing so, we seek to follow His example by nurturing a loving, connected, church family, through serving and proclaiming the Word of God to one another, our community, and the world.
"上帝呼召我們事奉主, 愛主,愛己,和愛人。" — 馬可福音 12:28-31
屋崙華人長老會是一個歡迎任何年齡的教會, 致力於鼓勵會友藉着禱告,查經,及團契生活培養一個與耶穌基督更新的關係。我們要學效基督的榜樣,孕育一個有愛心及互相關懷的教會家庭;共同事奉和彼此傳揚上帝的道,傳遍社區,及至整個世界。