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By Howard Ah-Tye

A Book of a history of Chinese innovations, contributions, and assistance
in the development of Oakland and surrounding communities of California.


A history of Chinese innovations, contributions, and assistance in the development of Oakland and surrounding communities of California and their fortitude to survive the prejudices and legislation denying them "basic rights" during the Gold Rush, the Quake of 1906, and World War I & II.

DONALDINA CAMERON, Guardian of the Oppressed, "Lo Mo" [elderly mother] helped many young Chinese girls at Cameron House in San Francisco, & Ming Quong Home in Oakland;
and Chinese boys through Dr. Charles Shephed at Chung Mei Home in Oakland. She is
known as the "mother" of San Francisco and Oakland Chinatowns.

Everyday people and their legends who worked to build the Chinese communities of Oakland, San Francisco, La Porte, Marysville, and Stockton unfold in this historical expose...

  Published in June 1999,
Matai Press, San Jose.
208 pages,
Historical Photos.
These books have been donated by Howard Ah-Tye to continue the work of the Chinese Presbyterian Church of Oakland to assist immigrants, youth and elders.

Reference books available for browsing at:

Chinese Presbyterian Church (CPC) of Oakland
265 - 8th Street
Oakland, California 94607
(510) 452-4963
(510) 763-9129 Fax

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