Stained Glass Cross

Thanks to Elder Lin Hoy Gee for the following information from the CPC History book "Our Century On The Righteous Path."

According to our church record, in May 10, 1925, the Oakland Chinese Presbyterian Church Administrative Council was established which included representatives of the different organizations. The list of present representatives is as follow: Elders Mr. Chung Git, and Mr. Wong Chee Choy; Deacons Mr. Chu Mow, Mr. Mah Yin, Mr. Soo-Hoo Wing and Mr. Chin Ho; Deaconess Mrs. Louis Fon; representative from the Women's Missionary Society, Mrs. Chung Git; Reverend Lee Yick Soo and Mr. Wong Huey Yip (Wong Tong).


Dedication of the
Stained Glass Cross

(Left to right): Rev. James Shum, Rev. Sue Keim, Sabina Frank (designer of the stained glass artwork), Mrs. Frances Moy Chung, Mrs. & Mr. Leland Wong, Greg Wong and Mrs. Beverly Chung Lee.
Mr. Chung Git, also know as Chung Ching Git, was related to our church as early as 1911. Mrs. Cheung Git and Mrs. Louie Fon (Joyce Fong's grand mother) were the very first Chinese women of our church. The first mention of a women's group in our church was in 1920 when Mrs. Cheung Git served as the Chairwoman of Women's Missionary Society while Mrs. Louie Fon represented the Jing Doh Wui (Young Men Christian Association).

Mr. and Mrs. Chung Git had four sons and three daughters. They are Ira (Chung Wing Quong), Carl (Chung Wing Yat), Joseph, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Mary, and Mansie. The daughters-in-law are May Young Chung, Rae Ng Chung, Frances Moy Chung, and Mrs. Pearl K. Lowe Chung. Children of the Chung family were supportive and attended Sunday services regularly.

Presentation of Cross
to the Chung Family

Rev. Shum presents a plaque to Mrs. Frances Moy Chung.

All members of the Chung family support our church in different ways. In 1920's Mrs. Bruce (Ora) Mc Donald, a pastor's wife, assumed the position of choir director and anthems were presented at the worship services. The choir members included Mansie Chung who married Henry Owyang, Elizabeth Chung who married a Methodist pastor Reverend W. B. Wong; Mr. Kenneth Lee who married Mary Chung, Benjamin Chung, Ira Chung, Carl Chung who married Rae Ng, Lucy Louis, George Jung and Lee Dick Fay.

These fragments of historical footprints of the Chung Git family reminds us that Christians who bear witness for Christ surely live a meaningful life embraced by the abundant grace of God. To the Glory of God, members of the Chung family dedicate this stained glass cross in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Chung Git reminds us that we should follow the footsteps of all the saints so that we may continue God's mission with faith and confidence that God's name be Praise.


Members During
Coffee Fellowship

((Left to right): Peter C, Mabel C and Jane T.

Chinese Presbyterian Church of Oakland -- All Rights Reserved ©2007-2019. Site Created By Linda Hu.