Health Policies
We strive to create a healthy environment for all of our Summer Program participants: students, volunteers, teachers, and staff. Therefore, it is important not to send participants to our program if they are sick. If any participant shows any symptoms of being ill, such as a fever for 24 hours, or vomitting the night before, we ask you to please stay at home.
Whenever there is a reason to believe that a participant is suffering a recognized contagious or infectious disease, he/she shall be sent home or will not be permitted to enter the program, as well as shall not be permitted to return until he/she does not have a fever above 100° for 24 hours without fever reducing medication and/or we have received a doctor's note that he/she has been cleared.
All particiants must confirm that they have not traveled within the past 14 days to a country "with widespread sustained transmission" nor have had close contact with someone showing COVID-19 symptoms or on a plane with a person showing symptoms. You must notify the Program Director immediately if this situation changes.
For a situation update on the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), and resources on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please visit the Alameda County Public Health Department website:
Coronavirus FAQ
The information below is taken from the Contra Costa Health Services website found at:
What is a coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which can make people sick. Some coronaviruses cause mild illness in people, such as the common cold. Other, such as the SARS and MERS viruses and the current 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), can cause serious infections such as pneumonia.
Abbreviations used for the 2019 novel coronavirus include COVID-19 and 2019-nCoV.
How does novel coronavirus spread?
Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) can pass from a person sick from COVID-19 to others through:
- Droplets produced by coughing and sneezing
- Close personal contact, such as caring for an infected person
How can I protect myself from novel coronavirus?
The best way to reduce your risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 is the same as for other respiratory viruses, such as colds and the flu. The best way to prevent infection is to practice good hygiene:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available
- People who are sick should always cover their coughs and sneezes using a tissue or the crook of their elbow; wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after using a tissue to wipe your nose or mouth
- People who are sick should stay home from work or school until they are well
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your unwashed hands
If COVID-19 does become more common in the local community, residents may consider taking steps to limit their contact with other members of the community such as stocking up on necessities, avoiding large groups or crowds, limiting travel and adjusting work schedules or telecommuting when possible to reduce their risk of becoming exposed to the virus.
What are the symptoms of novel coronavirus illness?
- Fever and
- Cough or difficulty breathing
People in Contra Costa County who have these symptoms are not likely to be infected with COVID-19 unless they have traveled internationally to affected countries in the past 14 days or were in close contact with someone sick with COVID-19.
What countries are affected?
The outbreak began in December 2019 in Hubei Province, China, but outbreaks are now occurring in other countries around the world. In addition to China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea are experiencing outbreaks.
How is novel coronavirus treated?
There is no specific treatment at this time for illness caused by COVID-19. Treatment is supportive, which means medications can be given to manage symptoms, just like with other respiratory illnesses like colds or the flu. Most people who become infected recover.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent against novel coronavirus.
Do I need a mask?
Contra Costa Health Services does not recommend the use of masks for people who are healthy because there is no evidence that wearing one reduces the risk of becoming infected with COVID-19.
People who are sick with a respiratory illness should consider wearing a mask, such as a paper surgical mask, when they go out in public or visit their doctor to prevent spreading their infection to others.
Who is restricted from traveling to the United States because of novel coronavirus?
There were no travel restrictions for people entering the U.S. before February 2. People who traveled from China arrived at a few select U.S. airports and were screened for symptoms.
After February 2, only U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, and family members of U.S. citizens or permanent residents who visited China can enter the U.S. There are no travel restrictions in effect for other countries that may be affected by COVID-19.
In addition, the CDC issues advisories for international travelers regarding the risk of becoming infected with communicable diseases, including COVID-19, in different parts of the world. Visit for the latest travel advisories.
How are travelers entering the U.S. from China screened?
Any traveler entering the U.S. from China who has possible symptoms of COVID-19 (fever and cough or difficulty breathing) is screened at the airport and directly sent to a hospital for medical treatment.
Travelers from mainland China who do not have symptoms can go home but cannot go to work or school and are advised to avoid public places as much as possible until 14 days have passed. Local public health departments are notified of these travelers and monitor them until the 14-day period has ended.
Travel from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau to the U.S. is not restricted.
Who is tested for novel coronavirus?
Most people in the U.S. with fever or cough do not have COVID-19. The test for COVID-19 is not commercially available and all requests for testing must go through local health departments.
Only those people who are most likely to be sick with COVID-19 can be tested:
- People who have symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath) that are severe enough to require hospitalization and who have traveled to affected countries in the past 14 days.
- People who have symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath) and who were in close contact with a confirmed COVD-19 case.